FAQ for Parents & Carers
How Long Will My Child Need To Be in Counselling?
It is different for every child and young person. Before starting in counselling I will complete a 3 session assessment to think about how counselling can help and to get a sense of how long someone might need to be seen.
Of course this is not definitive, some children and young people come for a few sessions and some come for much longer.
Will You Tell Me What is Discussed in My Child's Appointments With You?
Each session with your child is confidential. Unless there is a Safeguarding Matter I will not discuss specific content of sessions with parents.
Having a confidential space is very important when working with your child in counselling.
What If I need Some Counselling/Support? Can You See Me Too?
No, if I am seeing your child I cannot see you in counselling. I can however, refer you onto colleagues who have the appropriate experience to meet you needs.
Does It Have to Be Weekly Appointments?
For counselling to be effective seeing a counsellor in the same place, at the same time every week is an important part of the work. It helps to build up a sense of consistency and trust enabling the work your child and I will do together to have a much deeper impact.
Do You Have Somewhere for Me To Wait?
My consulting room has a waiting area and disabled access.
There is no off street parking but my room is in Central Windsor.